Boring card games got you down? Sick of the same old "pick a card, play a card" with nothing else going on? Then maybe it's time to change things up with Change Up! In this preview I'll introduce you to this memory-driven card game and take you through a few first impressions. Let's check it out!
Although I am considering getting a sweet dice tattoo ... but I digress.
Hey Gamers! So, if you know one thing about me, it's that I love roll and write games - remember? So I was pretty excited to check out the 10-game roll and write anthology from Inkwell Games called Dice & Ink Volume 1. In this preview, I'll give you just a few first impressions on the four games I looked at. Please keep in mind that I have print-and-play/prototype versions, so not everything is final from the pictures to possibly even some of the rules. But without further ado, let's check them out! And ... ACTION! Oh, come on! You've got to be ready to make a movie at a moment's notice. That is, unless you don't want to keep your new director job ... is that the case? I thought not.
In this preview of That's a Wrap, I take a look at a prototype of the Hollywood bidding and give you the details along with some of my initial thoughts. Ready to check it out? Then it's like I said - ACTION! As in, babies punching each other (because they're small boxers) ... not the act of punching babies. Please DO NOT punch babies, kthanks! Now that that's out of the way - let's talk about this one! If you're into wacky themes and quick card games, then you might want to settle in for a bit and take a look at Punching Babies. All in good fun, this 2-player, turn-based card game simulates 2 heavyweight babies fighting for the gold! Or ... the belt? Or ... whatever heavyweight fighters might fight for! In this preview I take a look at a prototype of the card game, and highlight its beginnings. Please keep in mind that some things you see/read may change from my copy to the final version (in fact, I know a few things have already been worked on!) Without further ado, let's take a look! Do you want to play a short, sweet, simple card game that's bound to grow on you? (HA! Puns!) Then it's time to check out Tussie-Mussie. An upcoming Button Shy wallet game all about flowers, this one will teach you a bit about the meanings flowers can have while also providing you with a cute little drafting game. Let's take a closer look ...
April 2020