Howdy Gamers! As you probably know from my many mentions of it, I tend to play games mostly 2-player, just me and my husband. Because of that, I love when I can find a good 2-player only game because not everything that has a range starting at 2 is really great for that few players. So in case, like me, you find that you need more great games for 2, you might want to check these out!
I have again limited them to ones I own, as those are the ones I know the best and like the most. Additionally, I am aware that some of these can technically be played with more than 2, but they were designed with 2 and mind, and definitely play best at only 2 (at least in my opinion). So, without further ado, let's gooooo! *Disclosure: Some links below are affiliate links, meaning I will will earn a commission (at no cost to you) if you click through and make a qualifying purchase.
Howdy Gamers! It's time for another Top 10 List! This time I'm taking a look at some of my favorite deck building games. I know that there are a lot of games that fit this category, especially if you're just looking at the BoardGameGeek category, so, to make sure we're clear, I define a deck builder as a game where you buy/obtain cards within the game to add to your deck in hopes of bringing cards together to make good combos or get you the most points (whatever the goal of the game might be). If you construct a deck before playing (as in Master of Wills for instance) that isn't the type of game I have included in the list.
Again, I have narrowed the list down to games that I own to make it a little easier on myself, even though there are a lot of great deck builders out there that I don't own. If you haven't had a chance to try a deck builder yet, I highly recommend checking some out. They're super neat and there's a lot of varities out there (which you'll see in my list) so there's something for everyone! Happy Gaming~ When you've played enough games - and trust me, I've played my fair share - you start to get drawn to similar types of games, and start to really find which ones you love the most. I know that I've been drawn into certain themes a lot as well as games from certain publishers or designers. But the biggest thing that can really draw me to a game is its' mechanics. I love a lot of different mechanics, from worker placement to deck builders, but by far my favorite is a good ol' roll-and-write! I want to do a little combo post to talk about this type of game and list a few of my favorites! Hey Gamers! So, I posted a poll on Twitter a while back asking what my next Top 10 should be, and I finally followed through! I decided to narrow it down by only games I own to help a little because this was a tough list to pull together - there are so many good ones! Without further ado, here are my Top 10 Worker Placement Games of all time! ..... So far.
Hey there gamers! I thought it would be fun to end the year with a little Top 100 List!I hadn't updated my top 10 page in a while, and knew it was time, then I thought, why not just do a quick comparison of all the things I've rated on BGG? :) I used this nifty site here and ... voila! Top 100! These are just some games I love (no expansions included), from all different years, ranked, and some with a little snippet. I plan to try and do this every year to see how much things change, or if I'm pretty consistent. Feel free to let me know what some of your top games are, or make suggestions for me based on things I like - I'm always looking for more games!! It's gonna be a long one, so buckle in! Happy Gaming, and Happy New Year, folks! *Note - I don't own the below images. I pulled these from BGG pages. The image above is mine* |
April 2020